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17Track order details and tracking portal
17Track portal for tracking of orders used to update the customer with the latest data
Report of Open orders at the warehouse
GLS order tracking report
17111 Order Tracking report
Order detail report
Pallet count report
Daily delivery report
Weekly Freight cost report
The telephone static report
Logistic cost report
Pivot tables for open orders
Zendesk unsolved ticket count report with graph
Logistic without scan report for warehouses
Parcel tracking report with the latest status
Packaging error report
Data is structured by cleaning, replacing the data format & filtering and organizing the data
Tracking orders to get the current status
Pivot table representation with order quantity for better understanding
Advance Reporting

Logistic report

Elevate your logistics management with our streamlined Logistics Report Service. From tracking parcel statuses and identifying packaging errors to monitoring order details and managing warehouse inventory, our service provides concise, actionable insights. Access real-time information on unsolved Zendesk tickets, order tracking through 17Track, and stay on top of daily and weekly freight costs. Optimize your logistics processes with our comprehensive reporting tools for enhanced efficiency and strategic decision-making.

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